On a beautiful late spring afternoon, two young graduates walked across
the stage and received their high school diplomas.
Both were high school athletes, both were great students in advanced classes,
and both were ambitious for the future.
But one of them was going to the college of their dreams on a scholarship
and the other was disappointed when he thought about the fall.
Have you ever wondered what makes this kind of difference in a student’s life?
It isn’t native intelligence or desire or dedication.
It isn’t that one student wants to succeed and the other doesn’t.
The difference is in a few key choices…
The difference is one student recognized the power of a great result on an important test.
The difference is one student prepared for their big college-entrance exam using the right material - and the other did not.
How do we know the sting of performing poorly on the big test?
Because I was the other student. I was the student that chose the wrong test prep
and bombed the exam and went to my second choice college.
You see, as a Junior in high school, I enrolled in a popular online test prep course (that I promise you've heard of).
I hated it so much that I quit after 2 days. And I actually got worse at the test.
And you know the most painful part?
The most painful part was NOT the rejection letter I got from the school with the iconic emblem.
The worst part was giving up, failing to improve, and wondering if I could have achieved more.
That's why - of all things - I started a test prep company with online courses.
It is amazing how a simple choice as how to prepare for a test can fundamentally alter the direction of a student’s life, but that is exactly what happens.
You see, test prep is not school. Test prep is not about learning a new academic skill. It’s not even about answering thousands of questions…
Test prep is about learning the test - and how to get as many questions correct as possible.
And that is what Classic Test Prep is all about - getting the best results on the CLT exam.
Put us to the test with our Classic Test Prep Guarantee.
If you are not satisfied with your score. If you did not improve by at least 5 points - we will give you a full money-back guarantee refund.
And those 5 points can be worth thousands - or even tens of thousands - in scholarships for the dream college.
For each section of the test (Verbal Reasoning, Grammar & Writing, and Quantitative Reasoning), we help you determine the strategy that is best for you, understand what question types you will be required to answer, and learn how to approach those question types.
The CLT emphasizes critical thinking - which really means solving problems that you haven't seen before - more than other standardized tests.
Here's the problem: it's difficult to think critically when you don't know what to think about.
We can't tell you exactly what the questions will be on test day, but we can show what kinds of questions there will be.
That way, when the "problem you haven't seen before" shows up, you'll have a plan for answering it.
You can think of this section as the Tips, Tricks, and Strategy portion of the Study Guide.
Tips and Tricks alone won't get the job done.
Next, you need to learn Real Material - like how to use commas, semicolons, and parallel structures - in order to maximize your score.
We're not going to go over every single detail you may have missed in school. Just the most common, most important concepts from each section of the test that you will certainly see on test day.
And we'll give you Frameworks that help you think through questions on the test.
Here's an example of a framework you will learn that will help you on the CLT: "False or Irrelevant."
On the Verbal Reasoning section, every incorrect answer is either False or Irrelevant, which means the incorrect answers either contradict the facts of the passage or do not answer the question that is being asked.
These frameworks will help you answer every question on the CLT with confidence.
Finally, it's time to practice what you've learned.
In order to unlock your Money-Back Guarantee, take the practice tests at the end of each section of the Study Guide (Verbal Reasoning, Grammar & Writing, and Quantitative Reasoning) and the Full Length CLT Practice Test.
There are 360 total practice questions you MUST take to unlock your Money-Back Guarantee. (That's 3 total CLT Practice tests, broken into bite-sized chunks, then one full-length test.)
Additionally, there are 2 Optional Full-length Practice Tests, if you would like more practice.
There are 3 studying options:
1. Self-paced Online Course
2. Online Course + Live, Online Group Tutoring Sessions
3. Online Course + One-on-One Live, Online Tutoring
Self-Paced Online Course
The self-paced Online Course allows you to make progress on your schedule.
You will have full access to all of the content that other Classic Test Prep customers get, but you will not have access to Live Group Tutoring classes with our CLT Tutors.
Online Course + Online Group Tutoring
In addition to all of the content in the CLT Online Course, you will have access to two optional, Live Online Group Tutoring Sessions per week conducted by our CLT Tutors.
Join the Group Tutoring sessions to ask questions about lessons, practice tests, and strategies.
Learn from the questions that other students are asking AND ask your own.
You can join these meetings at your convenience and leave once your question is answered!
Online Course + One-on-One Tutoring
In addition to the CLT Online Course and access to the optional Group Tutoring Sessions, get one hour of one on one tutoring per week for 5 weeks.
Your tutor will prepare for each session by reviewing the work you have done in the Study Guide, so you are both ready to make the most out of the session!
Ask questions, review complex topics, go over practice tests, and make a plan for completing the Study Guide in 5 weeks so that you are prepared for test day!
If you don't improve by at least 5 CLT points, you'll receive a Full Refund.
This Guarantee applies to each of the 3 versions of the Online Course (see below).
All you have to do to qualify for this Refund is complete the Verbal Reasoning, Grammar & Writing, and Quantitative Reasoning Study Guide, along with One Full Length CLT Practice Test.
We recommend taking 3 to 5 weeks to complete the Study Guide, so all the information you learn has time to settle in, but the Online Course can be completed even faster if you put your mind to it.
And we're so confident you will enjoy the Study Guide, we know you'll qualify for that guarantee. That's why we offer another guarantee:
Try the Study Guide, and if you don't think it's right for you, email support@classictestprep.com with the Subject Line "Not for me" within the first 48 hours of purchasing the Study Guide, and we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Work directly with one of our CLT Tutors for one hour per week for 5 weeks.
This intensive 5 week course is designed to fully prepare you to tackle the CLT
with confidence.
Week 1: Verbal Reasoning
Week 2: Verbal Reasoning and Writing
Week 3: Grammar and Writing
Week 4: Quantitative Reasoning
Week 5: Review and Full Practice Test
We guarantee a 5 point increase in your CLT score or you
will receive a full Refund!
You will have access to the Online Course and Group Tutoring for 5 months.
** Individual Tutoring lasts for 5 weeks, only **
Book a Free, zero-commitment call to discuss tutoring with us!
Work through the Study Guide at your own pace and join our Live, Online Group
Tutoring Sessions to ask your questions and learn from the questions other
students are asking!
You will have access to the Online Course and Group Tutoring sessions for
5 months.
Progress through the Study Guide at your own pace.
We recommend completing the Study Guide in 3-5 weeks,
but you can complete the Study Guide even faster if you put your mind to it.
You will have access to the Online Course for 4 months.